Monday, April 6, 2009

Am I the Only One falling behind?

Image courtesy of See Jack Draw, I mean, me.

Really, is it just me? Chime in here... cause I'd like to know.

TO DO: {this week, and I'm serious here}
  1. Jack's 4th Birthday party invites {feeling especially guilty for using evite last year}
  2. Shop and clean for Easter Sunday {having a large chunk of rellies over}
  3. Help the Easter Bunny with his shopping {I am resolved to buy things the kids need, even if they end up with toothpaste in their baskets!}
  4. Finish painting Jack's room {yeah, I've had the paint for like a year}
  5. New invitation for upcoming AMOCA show {The Artist is in the Details, works by David Furman}
  6. Promote See Jack Draw {wouldn't this make a fabulous Mother's Day gift? if only men read my blog...}
  7. Raise MONEY!!! {can you say $2,500?)

I'll get back to you with some great photos of a freshly painted room - I swear this time.

Also, I'm considering having a
Wine Tasting Fundraiser party at my house in June... will you come?

I think that is it... unless you can think of anything else?


  1. Here is my list:
    1. Get deposit to MY GYM for Lily's Birthday Party 2. Get invitations for Lily's Birthday Party (paper and cake) 3. Pack for trip to AZ 4. Finish Thank you notes from my 40th birhday Party (cute paper accessories from PAPER AND CAKE) 5. Buy 2 Part raffle tickets for our Silent Auction (where SEE JACK DRAW will be an auction item, bid bid bid!!!) 6. Birthday gifts for girls friends 7. That is all I can think of right now!

  2. I am way behind too, and still I decided to stencil 1950's fighter planes on my sons bedroom wall this morning. Priority? I think not.

    They look pretty darn cute, though. My dad, the artist, sketched and cut the stencils.

  3. It's not just you. I have 7 gallons of purple and grey paint ready to go for Sheridan's room. I swore I would have it done by Valentine's Day. HaHa

    I don't even have enough time to type up my to-do list!!!!!

    Have a great Easter!
